
Male!Aranea X Reader - Late Night Visit

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Literature Text

...Aranea.  You grinned, trying to hide any of your previous apprehension at visiting your secret crush's hive.

"Hi Aranea," you say raising a hand and giving a tiny wave.  "Can I come in?"

The blueblood male's eyes widened a little upon seeing you, and he nodded earnestly with a polite smile.  "Oh yes, of course ______!  I've been expecting you for sometime now!  Please,  come in," he said, standing back as he held the door open a little wider for you to enter his hive.

You smiled back at him, nodding your head in thanks as you stepped inside.  Waiting for him a ways past the door, you looked around at the familiar sight of his clean, white and blue hive.  You really liked the contrast between the two colors--you found it pleasing to the eye.  It also somewhat instilled a sense of cleanliness and organization that practically reflected Aranea to a T.  He was known very well by the others as being a neat and orderly he-troll whom took pride in the upkeep of his hive.  That was one of your favorite things about him.  Sure, you liked hanging out with the others.  But here you felt like you could just relax without having to worry about stumbling into some kind of mess like you would at most of the other trolls' hives.

As you looked about, Aranea quietly closed and locked the door before walking back over to you and lightly tapping your shoulder.  You looked back over to him.  "Hm?" you hummed softly.

He smiled and tipped his head a little, folding his hands pleasantly behind his back.  "Sorry," he chuckled a little.  "I was just bringing you out of you day dream."

"Oh," you said blushing.  You hadn't meant to go off and stare moonily at his walls.  "Haha, it's fine!" you assured him, running a hand down the back of your head and through your (h/l/), (h/c) hair.

He nodded and straightened up again, still smiling down at you with that handsome little grin of his.  Pushing up his glasses, he continued on speaking.  "You've been spacing a lot more than usual, ______.  Is everything alright?"

"Hmm?" you asked, eyes widening.  Oh crap.  Had he really noticed how weird you got around him!?  "O-oh, n-no I'm fine!" you hastily assured him, nodding quickly.

He looked at you a little sympathetically, nodding slowly.  "Alright, alright," he murmured gently in that wonderful voice you dreamed of so much.  "I was just wondering.  But . . . you were just stuttering a lot for a moment there, ______."

You flushed.  "I-I was, wasn't I?  Um-"

"And it appears that your cheeks are growing redder.  Here, why don't you come sit down with me for a bit?  You could just be exhausted after your walk over here.  After all, it isn't normal for humans to stay up too late," he said, putting a firm, yet gentle arm around your lower back as he ushered you into his living room.

You tensed just slightly at where he put his hand on your waist, but you said nothing, only nodded in agreement as he led you further into his hive.  Once in his living room, he brought you over to a cushy, white love seat with plush blue pillows and a folded gray blanket hanging over the back.  He let go of you and held out an arm, gesturing for you to take a seat.  You smiled and gave a nod as thanks before moving to sit and bring your legs up to your chest.

He sat quietly next to you, turning to face you as he brought his own legs onto the love seat, folding them under his body a bit as he leaned his head onto a hand he had propped up by his elbow against one of the back cushions.  As he faced you he looked you up and down a little, and you slightly squirmed under his gaze, hugging your legs tighter.

"So?  Do you feel a little better now?"

"Um, yeah.  Very.  Thank you," was all you could manage to say as he frowned a little and pushed his ash-gray lips off to one side.

"______, as I said earlier, you've been acting a little strangely of late.  Would you like to talk about it with me?  You know I'm always here if you need someone to listen," he said, giving you a tiny reassuring smile.  Ah yes, loyalty.  That was another of Aranea's traits that had you fall so hard for the Scorpio he-troll.

"Well," you said, swallowing.  You weren't actually sure where to start or even what to say.  Would you even tell him what was really going on with you?  Not too likely . . .  You squirmed a bit again and reached behind you to grab a soft pillow, holding it and looking down at it as you thought of something to say.

Aranea waited patiently for a moment, noting the awkward indecision clouding your features.  "If you'd like to take a moment you can.  Don't feel as though you absolutely must say something, ______.  Remember, I just want you to feel comfortable."

Glancing back up at his soft, happy features you felt a little better, and the knots that you'd suddenly found growing inside your stomach had begun to undo themselves.  "No," you murmured.  "I'm fine.  I would actually like to talk about it," you said, forcing yourself to be brave.  If you didn't tell this man now, when would you feel compelled to tell him again?  And how many more opportunities like this would just present themselves to you?  No.  You had to be brave and act now.

He beamed and nodded to you encouragingly.  "Very well, then.  Whenever you're ready," he said.

You nodded and took a deep breath, wondering just how to word what you had to say.  "Well . . ."  He leaned in a little bit, giving you a look that encouraged you to keep going.  "I've been thinking a lot about some things lately, Aranea.  And I think that now's the time to tell you . . ." you trailed off, your confidence waning.

Aranea gave you another sympathetic look.  "Would you like something to drink, perhaps?  A little nourishment could help you organize your thoughts."

You sighed.  "Actually yes.  That'd be very appreciated.  Thanks, Aranea."

"Not a problem!" he beamed, pushing off of the couch as he exited the room and headed to his kitchen.  Watching him get up and go, you couldn't help that your eyes lingered a little lower and settled on his, well, his shorts-clad rear.  Sighing and internally scolding yourself for being a creep, you glared up at the ceiling.  Can I really do this?  Is this seriously about to happen?  Oh my God . . .


Aranea exited the living room and made his way into the kitchen, taking long, swift strides.  He wouldn't want to keep you waiting too long, not if you had something important to discuss with him.  Come to think of it, he really wouldn't want to keep you waiting no matter what the situation was.  You were ______--one of the most fantastic girls he'd ever met.  Scratch that, the most fantastic girl he'd ever met.  You were a pleasure to be around in every sense of the word.  You were a good listener, shared the same interests, entertained all sorts of different topics of discussion with him, and were just a great friend all around.  That, and you were, of course, incredibly beautiful.

Yes indeed.  It seemed that the blue-blooded he-troll had fallen for you, and he'd fallen hard.  You were one of the only people he ever invited over to his hive on a regular basis as many of the others soon grew bored of his company.  It wasn't something he was proud of--being so difficult for others to get along with.  He was honestly just about as Kankri while he was preaching a sermon to a hiveful of cranky wrigglers.  But you stuck around, and he found this to be very intriguing.  Why would someone as lovely and perfect as you spend so much time with a nuisance like him?

Whatever the reason, he was immensely grateful for your company.  In fact, depending on where the conversation with you went tonight, he was considering opening up and revealing something to you in turn as well.

Sighing dreamily at the thought, he went about quickly getting some drinks and treats together before he took a breath to compose himself as he exited his kitchen and returned to where he'd left you on the love seat.


Aranea returned awhile later with a couple of cups of warm honey tea and (f/f) muffins.  Setting the little silver tray down on his white coffee table, he steadily lifted up a tiny cup and saucer and handed it to you.  "Careful there, it's really hot!  I wouldn't want you scalding yourself!"

"Oh, thanks!" you replied, blowing over the top of the liquid as the steam rose up and rolled into itself when you blew at it, sending it a few inches away before it continued towards the ceiling.

"Yep, it's not a problem at all!  I added a little extra sugar to yours, if that's okay.  I know you don't like tea that's too bitter."

"Oh, sweet!" you exclaimed, before giggling and adding, "for real."

He laughed a little and took his own cup, shaking his head a little as he sat back down next to you.  Taking a long sip after blowing on his tea, he looked back to you.  He couldn't for the life of him tell whether the warmness he felt growing in his chest was from the tea he was drinking, or if it was from the cute look you had on your face as you looked down into your cup, blowing at the steam and slightly turning the cup only to watch the liquid stay in the same place.

After a moment he cleared his throat.  "So, where were we?" he prompted, almost making you drop your cup.  You shakily took a long sip of the hot beverage, trying to organize your thoughts.

"Okay," you said, taking a deep breath after swallowing your tea.  "Aranea?"  He nodded.  "There's something I've been wanting to tell you, like I said earlier.  It's . . . it's really kind of personal, so please don't make fun of me or anything--just hear me out.  It's . . . it's about you."

His brows went up slightly as he sipped more tea fro his cup, and he lightly lifted his head to look at you.  His own heart had begun to beat faster.  What's she trying to tell me?  His thoughts began racing with thoughts of you confessing things to him, only for him to flush a bit at the tiny flare of hope he felt in his chest that perhaps you were about to confess something to him along the lines of, dare he think it, a flush crush?  Did you really like him in that way?

He waited in a giddy, tense silence as he let you go on.  "It's just . . . I really like hanging out with you, you know?  And I think that you're a really great guy."  You had to look down as you went on, unable to actually face him as you began to admit everything to him.  You began to tell him how great of a friend he was to you, all of the things you liked doing with him, and of course the different parts of his personality you admired.  All the while, he hadn't said a word, and his silence put you on edge.  Is he judging me?  Making fun of me?  Maybe this was a bad idea.  Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.  But you kept going, and when you'd finally finished you looked up at him, mentally preparing yourself for the last part.  But as you looked up and saw his shocked, blue face, you wondered if you'd done something wrong or uttered something incredibly stupid.

"A-Aranea?" you stammered nervously.  The he-troll blinked a little and shook his head, clearing the daze he'd suddenly found himself in.

"I-I'm fine!  Please, go on," he insisted, setting his cup and saucer down.  Following suit, you nodded and sighed, shifting in your seat.

"Well, I mean . . . . what I'm trying to say is . . . You see, I  . . ." you somehow couldn't get it out.  You'd been doing so good for awhile there, but now it was damn near impossible to form any coherent, complete sentences, your ability to speak clearly and confidently gone like dew vaporized by the strong heat of the sun in the morning.  And yet, there was Aranea.  His strong blue gaze holding yours as his mouth hung open just a crack.  "U-um-" you began again only to be interrupted by a harsh pinging noise.

You both whipped around to face the source of the sound--Aranea's husktop desk towards the back corner of the room.  It seemed that he'd unknowingly left his computer on and had Trollian still running.  On the screen was a familiar bright window that showed a buffering symbol along with the words "connection being stabilized".

What the heck?
 you wondered, looking at it.  Was . . . someone trying to send Aranea a video call?  Almost as soon as the question came across your mind, a familiar smirking face appeared on the screen.  It was Vriska, Aranea's descendant/dancestor.  The smug he-troll peered through the camera as Aranea leaped up and ran over to the laptop, desperately trying to close the window.

"Oh, well heeeeeeeey, Araneaaaaaaaa!" he called through the mic.  "It's been awhile, huh buddy?  What's happening?"

"Vriska!  I'm busy at the moment!  Please just call me again later!  Ugh, why won't this thing close!?"

"Because I patched myself in.  Your husktop's controls are useless.  Sorry, not sorry," he chortled.  "What's got you so worked up, man?  I'm not interrupting something am I?" he inquired with faux innocence.

"As a matter of fact you certainly are," he hissed back through clenched teeth.  His tone of voice caught you off guard.  You couldn't recall a time where he'd ever sounded so upset.  It was just Vriska . . . yes, Vriska was kind of a he-bitch and the timing was extremely unfortunate for you, but you couldn't help but take an audible sigh of relief that Aranea had been distracted.

Your sigh hadn't gone unnoticed, however, and Vriska craned his neck a little, trying to see who was on his dancestor's couch.  "Hey, who was tha-" he froze and his eyes grew wide before a slow, wicked grin spread over his face and he let out a low chuckle.  "Why Aranea!  You didn't tell me you had company over!  Is that ______ I see over there?  Ohohohohohohohoho!  Now, what exactly am I interrupting here?"

"Nothing!  Leave us be!" Aranea practically pleaded as he fruitlessly pounded his keyboard.

"That's rude!  I was just asking.  ______, how are you?  Evening going alright?"

"It's . . . fine," you replied, frowning a bit.

"______, please don't encourage him," Aranea groaned a little.

Vriska just gasped in mock offense.  "Why Aranea!  How could you be so cruel!  We're family!  I was only curious as to why ______ is at your place when it's so late for her species to be awake!" he said, his voice over-dramatic as always.

Aranea hissed.  "That's none of your business!  Hang up!"

"Nope!" he stuck out his tongue and smirked.  "So, ______.  Why are you over?  Were you perhaps having an intimate evening with Aranea?"

Aranea gasped in dismay and couldn't help but look over at you.  You were blushing bright red and blinked at the computer wordlessly.

Vriska laughed from the mic.  "I'll take that as a yes, then.  Well good.  Because just as it so happens, Aranea fancies you as well, don't you, Serket?  Yuuuuuuuup!  He's told me all about his little flush crush on you.  I think you'd both make an excellent cou-" he was saying before being cut off in mid-sentence by Aranea slamming his husktop's lid down.  He was visibly shaking and blushing furiously.

Nothing was said for a long moment before he suddenly whipped around to face you, looking desperate and embarrassed. "O-o-oh my Gog, _-______!  I'm so, so, so, so sorry for that!  Vriska's such a pain sometimes!  Oh no, I hope he hasn't upset you . . . what are you doing?" he squeaked as you slowly got up and went over to him.  He nervously back up against his desk as you got closer.  "______, I-I can assure you it won't happen again!  Please, don't hurt me!" he begged.  But the pain he'd expected to feel never came.  What he found instead, was your lips pressing firmly against his own.

Aranea immediately went stick-straight in shock, but after a few seconds, he relaxed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you in as he kissed back with equal fierceness.  It was as if thousands of fireworks were going off all around the pair of you, and your hearts echoed one another as they beat wildly inside of your chests.

The moment of bliss you both shared in the corner of his room couldn't last, unfortunately, as you were both living things that required a little chemical called oxygen.  You both broke the kiss after a few more heated moments of lip-melding to softly pant and gaze into one another's eyes.  "Aranea," you breathed after a moment.  "Why . . . why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't reciprocate my feelings, honestly," he admitted.

You just smiled and shook your head at him.  "And why on Alternia would I not?  Aranea, you're amazing!  Everything I said before Vriska called, it was my way of confessing to you.  I feel the same!" you whispered to him, grinning shyly and blushing.

He couldn't help but beam at you once again.  "Oh my Gog . . . I can't believe this!  ______, this is too good to be true.  I must be dreaming."  He looked up, shaking his head.

You chuckled and pinched his side through the fabric of his shirt.  "You better believe it, Serket.  This is the real deal."

He flinched a little, giving a tiny "ow!" before giggling and holding you closer, leaning his cheek to rest on top of your head.  "Good.  It's been an impossible dream for too long," he said quietly to the air.

You sighed contentedly and held him back, breathing in his intoxicating scent.  The two of you stayed that way for a moment longer before he blinked open his eyes and poked you a little in the stomach.  You gave a surprised snort and looked up at him, shifting a little in his hold, looking up at him questioningly.

He blushed awkwardly and flicked his ears.  "______?" he asked, looking at you warm and lovingly.

"Yes, Aranea?" you said back.

"Would you maybe, um, consider filling my red quadrant?  I-I mean, now that you know how I feel about you?  It . . . it would mean absolutely everything to me."

You grinned and stood up on your tiptoes, stretching up to plant a kiss on his nose.  "Of course I would!"

He purred at your answer and leaned down for another passionate kiss, both of your cups of tea sitting forgotten on the little wooden coffee table in front of his love seat where you'd been sitting only moments before you both admitted your pent up feelings for one another.


You'd both left his living room quite some time ago when Aranea's phone began vibrating on the desk beside his husktop.

Hey, asshole!  You're welcome!  >:::; )
As promised, here is the Aranea fic.  I'm sorry it took this long to get done.  I wanted to upload it before I left, however.  So I hope you enjoy.




This fic (c) Me
Aranea (c) Hus
© 2014 - 2024 SplitMaw
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Krontriolle's avatar
Vriska best wingman